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Iraq Archive
Iraq needs 1.3 mb/d additional oil exports and $US 70 oil to balance budget
Posted on October 30, 2015 | No CommentsThe following graphs use data from the latest Article IV consultation report published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in August 2015. All IMF papers on Iraq are here. Government […] -
World’s untested assumption on 6 mb/d Iraqi oil by 2020
Posted on June 15, 2014 | No CommentsGiven the ethnic turmoil in Iraq triggered by ISIL’s recent seizure of towns in Iraq’s North and West it is uncertain how this will impact on oil production in the […] -
Iraq crude oil exports stall amid pipeline attacks
Posted on August 9, 2013 | No CommentsThose who expect a doubling of Iraqi oil production to 6 mb/d by 2020 should pray for enduring peace and social justice in this war-torn country. Iraq’s overdue integration into […] -
Iraq war and its aftermath failed to stop the beginning of peak oil in 2005
Posted on March 16, 2013 | No CommentsIt is now 10 years that the coalition of the willing, err… peaking (US peak 1970, UK peak 1999, Australia peak 2000) invaded Iraq. This was not just an oil […]