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US shale oil seems to cover up peaking crude oil production in the rest of the world since 2018
Posted on March 4, 2025 | No CommentsUpdate on incremental world crude and condensate oil production Oct 2024 What happened to peak oil after conventional crude oil started to peak in 2005 at 74 mb/d? Here is […] -
OPEC12 peak 2016-2018
Posted on September 12, 2024 | No CommentsFig 1: OPEC12 crude production peaked 2015-2018 Crude oil in the EIA statistics includes condensate (C&C). The data are around 2.2 mb/d higher than the crude only published in OPEC’s […] -
Peak Oil in South & Central America
Posted on December 25, 2020 | No CommentsFeliz Navidad! (1) Pre-Covid ..Fig 1: Oil production and peak years Production peaked 2015 due to Venezuela’s production collapse. Brazil’s production has not yet peaked but is unlikely to offset […] -
Peak oil in Asia: where will the oil come from for the Asian Century?
Posted on September 10, 2019 | No CommentsAsian oil production peaked above 8 mb/d for the period between 2008 and 2016 (with spikes in 2010 and 2015). The 2015 peak was mainly caused by peak oil in […] -
2005-2018 Conventional crude production on a bumpy plateau – with a little help from Iraq
Posted on August 26, 2019 | No CommentsThis post is an update of a graph done in 2015: Fig 1: Conventional oil production on bumpy plateau 2005-2014 In When adding the new data for 2015-2018 it […] -
Peak oil in Venezuela: El Furrial oil field
Posted on May 26, 2018 | No CommentsWe see the impact of the conventional oil peak in Venezuela. As an example let’s look at the El-Furrial field. Fig 1: Not La-Hora-Zero (yet) but low voter turn-out for […] -
Impact of oil production decline and low oil prices: Venezuela
Posted on December 28, 2017 | No CommentsVenezuelan X’mas 2017 without petrol Petrol lines are nothing new in Venezuela. But the problem is getting deeper and deeper: Top Venezuelan refineries are running at 34% of their […]