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Cars Archive
I told you so: Australian car industry closing down
Posted on February 16, 2014 | No Comments4 ½ years after I advised former Industry Minister Kim Carr to help the Australian car industry retool to manufacture CNG buses, rail cars and components for the renewable energy […] -
GM Holden did not prepare for peak oil – since 1998
Posted on January 9, 2014 | No CommentsPart 1: The Howard years Peak oil, which should be seen as a process having started in 2005 rather than an event in the year of maximum global production, hits […] -
World car production grows 3 times faster than global oil supplies
Posted on May 27, 2013 | No CommentsAs Ford Australia announced the closure of its factory in 2016, the Sydney Morning Herald ‘s headline was: 24/5/2013 Era of the Aussie car over Right. There is an […] -
1 billion vehicles in year 7 of peak oil
Posted on August 31, 2011 | No CommentsIn 2010, the number of vehicles on the world’s roads surpassed the symbolic 1 billion mark. The International Energy Agency, which advised earlier in the year that conventional crude oil […] -
Ford cuts jobs in Australia – more signs of peak oil
Posted on April 15, 2011 | No CommentsThis is the second time in 2 ½ years that Ford is cutting jobs, just when oil prices spike. Ford to shed 240 local jobs, cut production as demand slumps […]