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Debt Archive
Peak oil in Asia Update June 2020 (part 2)
Posted on July 15, 2020 | No CommentsContinued from part 1 But there is another metric explaining China’s oil consumption growth: debt. The following graph is from an article by the Institute of International Finance in its […] -
Sydney playing risky and costly metropoly games amid oil price fears (part 1)
Posted on October 7, 2018 | No CommentsSydney must be the only city in the world which closes its most modern heavy rail tunnel, 12.5 kms, designed for its ubiquitous double deckers and used by long distance […] -
Australian budget hit by GFC and high oil prices (part 1)
Posted on May 28, 2014 | No CommentsThe Australian Federal Government’s cumulative cash balance between 2008/09 and 2013/14 was deep in the red, at $ -241 bn. If company tax had continued to grow at pre-GFC levels […] -
No debt repayment plan for Sydney’s toll-ways
Posted on February 12, 2013 | No CommentsAt a recent ITLS seminar, Infrastructure NSW’s chairman Nick Greiner could not show calculations how Sydney’s existing toll-way debt, not to mention future debt from proposed new toll-ways, will ever […] -
Transurban does not pay back its debt
Posted on August 14, 2012 | No CommentsTransurban – just like Greece – does not pay back its debt. They are jost rolling over debt, but not paying it back. Come the next credit squeeze and the […] -
Global debt and oil prices
Posted on June 4, 2012 | No CommentsFrom the Economist’s website: global public debt has reached $US 45 trillion. We compare the stacked debt curves with the NYMEX oil price: The steep rise of both debt […] -
Money in Transurban’s cashbox not enough to complete M2 widening
Posted on February 11, 2011 | No CommentsTransurban ended up with a cash balance of $370 million at end 2010. $ 275 m of that amount is money provided by banks end of last year as part […] -
Will Transurban ever pay back its debt?
Posted on December 9, 2010 | No CommentsTransurban, a toll-way operator in Sydney, Melbourne and the US has accumulated a debt mountain of around $A4 bn. Up to now, most of the previous debt, when due, was […] -
Yet more debt to finance Sydney’s toll-way expansion
Posted on November 22, 2010 | No CommentsBut will $740 million be enough to complete the M2 widening? Out of $740 million of new loans given by banks to Transurban, $465m are only for refinancing old M2 […]