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Motorways Archive
Which bank would now finance more road tunnels?
Posted on February 7, 2010 | No CommentsNo lessons learned from the financial collapse of the Lane Cove Tunnel? Summary: Only days after the financial collapse of the Lane Cove Tunnel the NSW government continues to plan […] -
Peak oil brought forward moment of truth for Lane Cove Tunnel
Posted on January 27, 2010 | No CommentsSummary: Peak oil impacts in various ways on toll-ways financed by debt. As mentioned in a previous post peak oil = peak credit This means that it has become […] -
How Cross City Tunnel planners ignored Peak Oil
Posted on January 8, 2006 | No CommentsDue to lack of patronage and anger of motorists about changed traffic conditions in and around Sydney’s Cross City Tunnel a Parliamentary inquiry was set up in December 2005 […]