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BITRE 117 Archive
How good was the Australian peak oil report BITRE 117 (peaky leaks part 4)
Posted on February 25, 2013 | No Comments1 year ago the Australian Federal Government refused to table their internal peak oil report BITRE 117 before a Senate hearing on the grounds that the report was not “up […] -
South East Asian oil peak in the rear view mirror (part 1)
Posted on September 10, 2012 | No CommentsThe title of this post refers to a term first used by the late Matt Simmons (2005 book “The coming Saudi oil shock and the world economy”) Grandiose statements about […] -
Iran’s 2nd and last oil peak
Posted on August 7, 2012 | No Comments“Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said in Tehran that Iran has become addicted to selling crude oil and the time has come that the country voluntarily shut down some […] -
Poor peak oil preparation rating for NSW budget 2012
Posted on August 3, 2012 | No CommentsOil prices are now 5-6 times higher than in the late 1990s and 3-4 times higher than in the early 2000s before peak oil started in 2005. Now, do governments […] -
Australian peak oil report ignored for urgent Sydney-Canberra rail upgrade (peaky leaks part2)
Posted on February 5, 2012 | No CommentsPropeller has stalled in flight, but rail development for Canberra hasn’t even taken off 3/2/2012 “The Nation’s transport boss has been caught up in a mid-air drama above Canberra with […] -
M2 concession period extends into era of steep oil decline
Posted on February 1, 2012 | No CommentsWhat has been overlooked in Alan Jone’s 2GB campaign on the dumped BITRE report 117 is that concession periods of toll-ways extend far into the era of steep oil […] -
Australian Peaky Leaks goes mainstream
Posted on January 20, 2012 | No Comments The Australian Daily Telegraph published today a story on a leaked government report (BITRE 117) which (optimistically) calculated peak oil around 2017, followed by permanent decline The report can […]