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Uncertainties following the Abqaiq attack have shrunk the world’s safe oil reserves by around half (part 1)
Posted on October 16, 2019 | No CommentsThe world has returned to business as usual after the Saudis assured oil markets that production will be back soon and as oil prices have returned to pre-attack levels and […] -
Iran Update
Posted on September 4, 2018 | No CommentsSeptember 2018 5/9/2018 4 scenarios by RBC Capital Markets (1) Waiting Game Oil price neutral. Iran honors its commitments under the nuclear deal attempting to wait out the Trump administration. […] -
South Korea’s crude oil imports from Iran
Posted on July 10, 2018 | No CommentsUS State Department Special Briefing by the Director of Policy Planning 2/7/2018 MR HOOK: “…..Our focus is on getting as many countries importing Iranian crude down to zero as soon […] -
Iran playing war games, but not in video arcades
Posted on January 6, 2012 | No CommentsAs the world enters year 8 of peak oil with wafer thin spare capacity to offset any supply disruptions, war games around the heart of the Middle East oil supply […]