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M2 widening Archive
Sydney’s M2 toll road less busy than forecast in Transurban investor presentation of 2011
Posted on July 14, 2014 | No CommentsFig 1: M2 at Murray Farm Rd – summer evening 2013/14 The Sydney Morning Herald quotes from Transurban’s latest June 2014 ADT data that traffic on the M2 increased by […] -
M2 daily traffic growth below Transurban’s expectations
Posted on April 30, 2014 | No CommentsIn what might be an early warning sign, Transurban traffic data for the 1st quarter 2014 show that ADT on the M2 – after a 9 month ramp-up period following […] -
Unsustainable Sydney: cost of using M2 toll-way grows 4 times faster than traffic
Posted on January 16, 2014 | No CommentsLatest figures for the 4th quarter of 2013 show that for a 7.5% increase of traffic over 3 years after an additional 3rd lane was opened, the cost to motorists […] -
Sydney motorists pay 22 % more tolls for motorway widening
Posted on October 21, 2013 | No CommentsFor a modest traffic increase of 3% motorists in Sydney’s North West pay 22% more tolls after the M2 was widened from 2 lanes to 3 lanes and additional ramps […] -
Wanton destruction of bus ramp in Sydney continues
Posted on December 20, 2012 | No CommentsDemolition work on the M2, to make way for a 3rd car lane 9/12/2012 While the Middle East is falling apart, with yet unknown consequences for oil supplies, only 3 […] -
Car addicted Sindney destroys bus ramp near rail hub as tollway debt increases 60 pct at least
Posted on February 12, 2012 | No CommentsThis web-site continues to monitor the disconnect between toll-way expansions in Australia and global crude oil supplies. The latest peak-oil ignorant action in car-addicted Sydney is the demolition of a […] -
Iran playing war games, but not in video arcades
Posted on January 6, 2012 | No CommentsAs the world enters year 8 of peak oil with wafer thin spare capacity to offset any supply disruptions, war games around the heart of the Middle East oil supply […] -
RTA fails to present business case for M2 widening (part 1)
Posted on September 21, 2010 | No CommentsIn its latest document the RTA fails to present energy calculations to support a business case for the M2 widening. Banks who consider financing this project need first to find […]