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rail Archive
Sydney playing risky and costly metropoly games amid oil price fears (part 1)
Posted on October 7, 2018 | No CommentsSydney must be the only city in the world which closes its most modern heavy rail tunnel, 12.5 kms, designed for its ubiquitous double deckers and used by long distance […] -
Sydney planning chaos: New Planning Review makes no provision for light rail at Epping station (part 1)
Posted on July 20, 2017 | No CommentsA planning review for Sydney’s suburb of Epping which started in 2016 contains an interim traffic report with a focus on cars and parking. No land or road space is […] -
80 % of Australian budget deficit comes from lower company tax revenue after GFC (part 3)
Posted on June 28, 2016 | No CommentsIn this part on the budget 2016 series we have a look at the federal revenue: Fig 32: Time series of federal tax revenue Income tax was growing strongly at […] -
No ticket to ride at Sydney train station
Posted on March 11, 2016 | No CommentsImagine you are a stressed Sydney motorist and you have finally decided to leave your car at home and take a train to the city. You arrive at a major […] -
Australian peak oil report ignored for urgent Sydney-Canberra rail upgrade (peaky leaks part2)
Posted on February 5, 2012 | No CommentsPropeller has stalled in flight, but rail development for Canberra hasn’t even taken off 3/2/2012 “The Nation’s transport boss has been caught up in a mid-air drama above Canberra with […] -
Australian 2011 budget allocation road/rail will not mitigate oil crunch
Posted on May 13, 2011 | No CommentsIn general terms, the allocation in the Federal Budget 2011 for road and rail is NOT a portfolio of projects which will increase the economy’s productivity in the use of […]