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Westconnex Archive
Australian Fuel Security Review ignores peak oil in China 2015 (part 3)
Posted on May 2, 2019 | No CommentsAustralia increased its internal oil dependency & vulnerability Let’s summarize what we covered in part 1 and 2 Australian oil production peaked in the year 2000 while oil consumption is […] -
Abbott’s roads for the 21st century will not even reduce CO2 emissions by 5% in 2020
Posted on November 18, 2013 | No CommentsThe Abbott government invited comments on the operation of the Emissions Reduction Fund with following brief: The Emissions Reduction Fund is a central element of the Australian Government’s Direct Action […] -
Sydney’s Westconnex road tunnel proposal based on too many untested assumptions
Posted on November 11, 2013 | No CommentsWestconnex is claimed to become the “biggest infrastructure project in Australia” which must make sense at least until 2053, 30 years after its planned completion. Governments and financial institutions assume […]