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Iran Archive
Iran playing war games, but not in video arcades
Posted on January 6, 2012 | No CommentsAs the world enters year 8 of peak oil with wafer thin spare capacity to offset any supply disruptions, war games around the heart of the Middle East oil supply […] -
Iran crude oil decline to 2016
Posted on August 17, 2011 | No CommentsThe IEA Medium Term Oil Market Report June 2011 published this widely ignored graph: The report says on page 18 and 80: “An adverse investment climate, however, sees Iranian […] -
Iran needs $60 bn from foreign banks to stop 1 mb/d oil production drop by 2015. Anyone interested?
Posted on June 6, 2011 | No CommentsThe Iranian Deputy Oil Minister needs $150 bn in the next 5 years to stop rampant decline in maturing oil fields. If current production declines and consumption growth in Iran […] -
Another warning on Iran’s oil production and exports
Posted on December 30, 2010 | No CommentsIran increased its subsidized fuel prices 4-fold for a ration of up to 60 litres a month and by another 75% for quantities above that limit. An Aljazeera correspondent […] -
Iran crude oil production to decline by 700 kbd by 2015; budget neutral oil price $130
Posted on July 3, 2010 | No CommentsThe new IEA Medium Term Oil Market Report 2010 estimates Iran’s oil production capacity will decline by 700 Kb/d by 2015. The above graph shows the change of crude […]