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Motorways Archive
Sydney’s Westconnex road tunnel proposal based on too many untested assumptions
Posted on November 11, 2013 | No CommentsWestconnex is claimed to become the “biggest infrastructure project in Australia” which must make sense at least until 2053, 30 years after its planned completion. Governments and financial institutions assume […] -
Sydney motorists pay 22 % more tolls for motorway widening
Posted on October 21, 2013 | No CommentsFor a modest traffic increase of 3% motorists in Sydney’s North West pay 22% more tolls after the M2 was widened from 2 lanes to 3 lanes and additional ramps […] -
Melbourne’s East West Link tunnel proposal has low benefit cost ratio and high oil price risk
Posted on September 5, 2013 | No CommentsAccording to the State government of Victoria’s “short form business case” a proposed road tunnel in Melbourne has only a benefit cost ratio of 1.4, a number which is classified […] -
Brisbane Airport Link: at the end of the road tunnel investor money flies away (part 2)
Posted on February 20, 2013 | No CommentsOnly 2 weeks after NSW infrastructure boss Nick Greiner could not answer the question how toll-way debt in Sydney can be paid back, the answer comes from another Australian capital […] -
No debt repayment plan for Sydney’s toll-ways
Posted on February 12, 2013 | No CommentsAt a recent ITLS seminar, Infrastructure NSW’s chairman Nick Greiner could not show calculations how Sydney’s existing toll-way debt, not to mention future debt from proposed new toll-ways, will ever […] -
Wanton destruction of bus ramp in Sydney continues
Posted on December 20, 2012 | No CommentsDemolition work on the M2, to make way for a 3rd car lane 9/12/2012 While the Middle East is falling apart, with yet unknown consequences for oil supplies, only 3 […] -
Australian Infrastructure bosses want more traffic on motorways
Posted on November 7, 2012 | No CommentsIn April 2009, in an energy white paper workshop in Sydney’s Crowne Plaza the participants were told not to debate peak oil but agree on an objective “Away from oil”. […] -
Transurban does not pay back its debt
Posted on August 14, 2012 | No CommentsTransurban – just like Greece – does not pay back its debt. They are jost rolling over debt, but not paying it back. Come the next credit squeeze and the […] -
Brisbane Airport Link: another tollway miracle of growing debt and assumed traffic growth (part 1)
Posted on July 6, 2012 | No CommentsSummary Brisconnections’ Airport Link is based on a financing model with increasing debt until 2026 and repayment of debt only after 2035. In the context of the evolving debt crisis […] -
Ghost traffic on US tollway hits peak oil ignorant banks and investors
Posted on June 21, 2012 | No CommentsThe Pocahontas tollway South of Richmond, Virginia, is the latest example how the combination of embellished traffic projections and a weak economy – caused by high oil prices – have […]