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Australia Archive
Sydney’s RTA builds M2 exit lanes for $200 oil
Posted on April 4, 2011 | No CommentsThis is a M2 construction work update for calendar week 5/2011. Contractors have started to build exit lanes for $200 oil just as 3 parties are now fighting for oil […] -
Sydney increases its oil vulnerability as strategic shifts in ME threaten global oil supplies
Posted on March 9, 2011 | No CommentsIt is unbelievable. Transurban started work on the M2 widening in Sydney by blocking access lanes for a bus ramp to a major railway station in the suburb of Epping. […] -
Money in Transurban’s cashbox not enough to complete M2 widening
Posted on February 11, 2011 | No CommentsTransurban ended up with a cash balance of $370 million at end 2010. $ 275 m of that amount is money provided by banks end of last year as part […] -
Queensland Reconstruction Bonds more important than Sydney’s M2, M5 widening
Posted on January 17, 2011 | No CommentsThe Queensland Premier is calling for a re-construction task of post-war proportions. What is required is not just a re-construction but an adaptation of infrastructure to future climate change because […] -
Sydney’s M2 toll increase high above RBA inflation target (part 3)
Posted on January 5, 2011 | No CommentsLet’s calculate future tolls on the M2 toll-way. Starting point for this analysis is this news item from 26th October 2010: Roads Minister David Borger said the RTA had signed […] -
Australia needs Strategic Oil Reserve
Posted on April 6, 2010 | No CommentsThe Australian Financial Review (6/4/2010) published my following letter: Middle East war games and our oil vulnerability In the last days the New York Times had 2 articles on war […]