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BHP Billiton Archive
Shale gas revolution did not last long for BHP – the Fayetteville story
Posted on December 16, 2017 | No Comments We had these headlines a couple of months ago: BHP’s $50 billion shale oil blunder 23/8/2017 BHP slapped $US4.75 billion ($6 billion) down on the table to buy the […] -
BHP’s Australian oil reserves and production continue to decline, but growth in the US
Posted on December 1, 2013 | No CommentsAt BHP’s recent annual general meeting only 4% of BHP shareholders were interested in climate change issues so how many would think about BHP’s oil reserves and oil production? 22/11/2013 […] -
BHP Billiton’s Australian oil reserves in decline
Posted on August 24, 2012 | No CommentsBHP mothballs Olympic Dam expansion BHP’s decision to change its strategy on its Olympic Dam expansion came as the company announced a 35 per cent slide in net profit […] -
Submission BHP Olympic Dam mine expansion
Posted on August 6, 2009 | No CommentsDemand for diesel used would go up 16-fold. The submission proposes to scale down the size of the expansion commensurate with future diesel supplies. The removal of rock requires huge […]