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Asia Pacific peak oil: 2020 production continued decline at -2.7% pa
Posted on September 4, 2021 | No CommentsProduction: pre-Covid trends prevail Fig 1: Oil decline in 2020 was a modest 200 kb/d similar to the post 2015 trend Fig 2: China’s (and Australia’s) modest growth of 65 […] -
Howard’s Energy Policy Failure 2004
Posted on October 31, 2017 | No CommentsThis article is about a paper I handed over to former Prime Minister Howard during a seminar at the Australian Institute of International Affairs on 31/10/2017 Australia in Today’s World […] -
US shale oil hides crude oil peak in rest of world
Posted on September 11, 2013 | No CommentsRecent US shale oil growth sits on top of a bumpy production plateau of the rest-of-the-world (ROW) Other Middle East (Syria, Yemen, Oman) was in long term decline until 2007. […] -
Report Card 2012: it was a very good year – for peak oil denial
Posted on January 16, 2013 | No CommentsContents: 1 Australian government failed to update its internal peak oil report 2 NSW government can’t deal with peak oil 3 Media dropped ball on peak oil and impact of […] -
Iran playing war games, but not in video arcades
Posted on January 6, 2012 | No CommentsAs the world enters year 8 of peak oil with wafer thin spare capacity to offset any supply disruptions, war games around the heart of the Middle East oil supply […]