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Australia is exporting itself gas poor, plans LNG import terminals
Posted on July 25, 2018 | No Comments3 complacent governments (Howard, Rudd/Gillard, Abbott) released 3 flawed Energy White Papers (2004, 2012 and 2015) which have promoted and facilitated massive LNG export projects on Australia’s West, North and […] -
Australia’s east coast gas crisis will be permanent
Posted on October 20, 2017 | No CommentsAustralia comes up with yet another grand energy policy in which gas is supposed to deliver dispatchable (peak) power. From the Prime Minister’s website: NATIONAL ENERGY GUARANTEE TO DELIVER AFFORDABLE, […] -
Howard’s energy superpower stuck in domestic gas shortages
Posted on March 27, 2017 | No CommentsOn hot days the truth comes out. Critical power plants for peak demand run on gas and that was short in supply, not only in South Australia, but also in […] -
Australia’s alternative transport fuel: The East Coast gas-ship has sailed
Posted on April 7, 2015 | No CommentsIntroduction: Credit Suisse reported that there is not enough East coast gas for 3 LNG export terminals at Gladstone, Queensland. If that is the case then it is doubtful whether […] -
Howard’s wrong decisions on offshore gas exports start to hit transport sector now
Posted on May 6, 2012 | No CommentsThe trucking company 1st Fleet has gone into voluntary administration. Only months of checking the books by the administrator de Vries Tayeh will reveal why that happened but following factors […]