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gas shortages Archive
Howard’s energy superpower stuck in domestic gas shortages
Posted on March 27, 2017 | No CommentsOn hot days the truth comes out. Critical power plants for peak demand run on gas and that was short in supply, not only in South Australia, but also in […] -
2/3 of Egypt’s oil is gone 20 years after its peak
Posted on July 4, 2013 | No CommentsNo matter who is ruling Egypt and for how long, this country faces a crippling energy crunch which contributes to the general dissatisfaction of the public and the accelerating changes […] -
Queensland plans to export more than 10 times the gas NSW needs (part 3)
Posted on May 9, 2012 | No CommentsAustralia, wanting to project itself as the energy super power, faces domestic gas shortages in its Premier State, New South Wales. This is what the public is made aware of […]