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Sydney Archive
Australian intercity rail run-down and unprepared to replace domestic flights after peak oil
Posted on December 5, 2011 | No CommentsOn 22/11/2011 I tested the XPT train from Sydney to Melbourne on my way to the conference Building Community Resilience and Minimising Risk organised by the Municipal Association of […] -
NSW gas as transport fuel. Where are the plans?
Posted on October 13, 2011 | No CommentsGas series part 2: NSW Scarred landscape: 90 coal seam gas wells South of Chinchilla, Queensland 6,000 wells are needed for the QCLNG export project over 20 years. Are we […] -
Sydney now beyond point of no return
Posted on May 9, 2011 | No CommentsOnly days after the ABC TV broadcasted an interview with IEA chief economist Fatih Birol who warned that peak oil happened in 2006 and that the world should have prepared […] -
Australia’s fuel import vulnerability increases as Sydney’s Clyde refinery is closing
Posted on April 13, 2011 | No CommentsPeak oil works according to plan, sweeping through the system bit by bit. Closing refineries are to be expected as global crude oil export volumes are declining. First victims are […] -
Australia’s debating club on transport fantasies after global crude oil exports peaked 2005
Posted on April 10, 2011 | No CommentsWhile armed conflicts about OPEC’s remaining oil are spreading like cancer in MENA countries and an accumulated debt crisis triggers money printing which drives up oil prices sky high, the […] -
Yet more debt to finance Sydney’s toll-way expansion
Posted on November 22, 2010 | No CommentsBut will $740 million be enough to complete the M2 widening? Out of $740 million of new loans given by banks to Transurban, $465m are only for refinancing old M2 […]