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Does the IEA try to hide the conventional crude oil peak in its 2017 World Energy Outlook?
Posted on December 3, 2017 | No CommentsIn this post we look at crude oil production in the World Energy Outlook released in November 2017 Fig 1: WEO 2017 oil supply Note that the 5 year interval table […] -
Incremental crude production update August 2016
Posted on September 11, 2016 | No CommentsOPEC Fig 1: OPEC’s incremental crude oil production Incremental production for each country is the production above the minimum production for the period Jan 2000 – May 2016 (the latest […] -
IEA report: US shale oil growth practically zero in 2017
Posted on March 3, 2015 | No CommentsThe International Energy Agency’s Medium Term Oil Market Report 2015 included an interesting graph showing changes in US and Russian oil production for the next 5 years: IEA MTOMR February […]