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Peak oil in China and the Asia Pacific (part 2)
Posted on August 12, 2018 | No CommentsSouth China Sea: ‘Leave immediately and keep far off’ Fig 1: U.S. Navy P-8A Poseidon reconnaissance plane overflying disputed Spratly islands 11/8/2018 Fig 2: Subi reef location in […] -
Peak oil in Asia Pacific (part 1)
Posted on June 18, 2018 | No CommentsThis post uses data released by the BP Statistical Review in June 2018 Oil production seems to have left its bumpy 6 year long (2010-2015) plateau of 8.4 mb/d […] -
Former Prime Minister Howard assumes US shale oil will provide for China’s oil demand growth
Posted on November 4, 2017 | No CommentsAt this event at the Australian Institute for Asian Affairs 31/10/2017 Australia in Today’s World – some observations from former PM John Howard John Howard was happy to report […] -
Asia Pacific oil supply gap widening as China production drops
Posted on June 19, 2017 | No CommentsThe annual BP Statistical Review with data up to and including 2016 was published last week. In this post we have a look at oil statistics for Asia – Pacific. […] -
South Korea’s oil trade under threat
Posted on April 29, 2017 | No CommentsIn 2010 the China Sign Post blog published an article entitled “Playing with fire. Potential impact of a North Korean threat to South Korean oil refineries”, showing following map: Fig […] -
China’s oil peak 45 years after the US peak
Posted on September 5, 2016 | No CommentsFig 1: Oil crisis in China like in 2005? No. By order: Free roads for G20 in Hangzhou Strategically published only days before the G20 summit the Wall Street […] -
Peak Oil in Asia (part 1)
Posted on June 20, 2016 | No CommentsAccording to data recently published in BP’s 2016 Statistical Review Asian oil production remained at around 8.3 mb/d for 4 years now. Fig 1: Asian oil production We see the […] -
Peak oil in the South China Sea (part 1)
Posted on February 29, 2016 | No CommentsThe recent deployment of missile launchers and jet fighters on Woody Island of the Paracel islands have put the spotlight on the South China Sea (SCS). Fig 1: The 200 mile Economic […] -
Asia depends on Middle East for 66 % of its oil imports
Posted on July 1, 2015 | No CommentsThis post uses data from the inter area oil movement section of the BP Statistical Review published in June 2015. It is a continuation of an earlier post on Asian […] -
Asia’s oil consumption at record high while production peaked in 2010
Posted on June 23, 2015 | No CommentsThe annual BP Statistical Review has come out, as usual in June. In this post we focus on the Asia Pacific region. This is important because the Australian government has […]