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Iran Archive
Iran Update
Posted on September 4, 2018 | No CommentsSeptember 2018 5/9/2018 4 scenarios by RBC Capital Markets (1) Waiting Game Oil price neutral. Iran honors its commitments under the nuclear deal attempting to wait out the Trump administration. […] -
OPEC’s 2017 production cuts: a confusing numbers game (part 2)
Posted on December 9, 2016 | No CommentsIn this second part we look at OPEC production cuts for January 2017 in the context of historical production using JODI data. OPEC is very fond of JODI, the Joint […] -
Fireworks calendar 2015
Posted on December 30, 2015 | No CommentsJanuary Bush fires in Adelaide, Australia February Explosion in Kobani, Syria March Great Prophet 9 war games in Straits of Hormuz April Hanging tracks blasted over culvert washout on substandard […] -
Team Australia to pay billions for new oil-vulnerable infrastructure
Posted on October 29, 2014 | No CommentsOne would think that an increase of oil related taxes would be used to reduce oil dependency and fund public transport infrastructure, especially as the Iraq war has entered yet […] -
OPEC fiscal breakeven oil price increases 7 % in 2013
Posted on August 14, 2013 | No CommentsUsing recent research from the Arab Petroleum Investment Corporation (APIC) it can be calculated that OPEC’s fiscal break-even oil prices have increased by around 7% pa in 2013 while OPEC’s […] -
Minesweeping exercise near Saudi oil hub
Posted on September 24, 2012 | No CommentsMassive minesweeping exercise begins off Bahrain 21/9/2012 Reporting from the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea (CNN) — More than three dozen nations have converged on the seas around Bahrain […] -
Iran’s 2nd and last oil peak
Posted on August 7, 2012 | No Comments“Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said in Tehran that Iran has become addicted to selling crude oil and the time has come that the country voluntarily shut down some […] -
Iran playing war games, but not in video arcades
Posted on January 6, 2012 | No CommentsAs the world enters year 8 of peak oil with wafer thin spare capacity to offset any supply disruptions, war games around the heart of the Middle East oil supply […] -
Iran crude oil decline to 2016
Posted on August 17, 2011 | No CommentsThe IEA Medium Term Oil Market Report June 2011 published this widely ignored graph: The report says on page 18 and 80: “An adverse investment climate, however, sees Iranian […] -
Iran needs $60 bn from foreign banks to stop 1 mb/d oil production drop by 2015. Anyone interested?
Posted on June 6, 2011 | No CommentsThe Iranian Deputy Oil Minister needs $150 bn in the next 5 years to stop rampant decline in maturing oil fields. If current production declines and consumption growth in Iran […]