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Libya Archive
Peak oil in Africa (part 2): Export zero sum game
Posted on February 5, 2021 | No CommentsIn this 2nd part we use data from the BP Statistical Review (June 2020). BP’s definition of oil is different from OPEC’s crude oil used in part 1. It includes […] -
Peak oil in Africa part1: OPEC quotas Jan 2021
Posted on January 19, 2021 | No CommentsWe examine whether OPEC’s quotas for its African members are actually on the production decline path of these countries. OPEC’s quota levels can be found here: At present 7 […] -
Saudi Arabia was supposed to pump almost 14 mb/d in 2018
Posted on July 5, 2018 | No CommentsHere we go again. Another US President asks Saudi Arabia to pump more oil, despite the so-called US shale oil revolution. Fig 1: Is a tweet enough to make Saudi […] -
World on drip of unconventional oil
Posted on December 11, 2014 | No CommentsCurrently lower oil prices due to a combination of increasing oil supplies and subdued demand come at a high cost to the environment and the climate. Additional oil supplies are […] -
New Australian Prime Minister is sceptical that peak oil has value for policy making
Posted on September 8, 2013 | No CommentsThe Australian electorate has voted for a Prime Minister who 3 years ago said he was sceptical that the concept of peak oil has any value as tool for policy […] -
War overshadows peak oil in Libya
Posted on June 24, 2011 | No CommentsAs we read this IEA makes 60 million barrels of oil available to market to offset Libyan disruption 23/6/2011 The IEA estimates that the unrest in Libya had removed 132 […] -
A disunited OPEC can’t control upward trend of oil prices
Posted on June 9, 2011 | No CommentsA meeting of oil ministers in Vienna broke up unexpectedly without an agreement to raise production. OPEC’s president said some members wanted three months to consider the issue. Iran, Venezuela […] -
Libya oil field battle lines
Posted on May 5, 2011 | No CommentsThis is a classical example of a negative feed back loop of peak oil. Armed conflicts about the 2nd half of oil reduce oil production more than oil-geology. In its April 2011 […] -
Libyans fight over oil field at depletion midpoint while African crude exports decline
Posted on April 12, 2011 | No CommentsGaddafi forces have attacked and damaged a pumping station at Messlah, North of the Sarir field, in the South East of Libya, depriving Benghazi of oil revenue. A 1990 report […] -
Libya: yet another (peak) oil war
Posted on March 24, 2011 | No CommentsWhat started as an uprising against Gaddafi has turned into a quagmire including NATO intervention in which oil plays a dominant role. The outcome is uncertain and it is not […]