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2005-2018 Conventional crude production on a bumpy plateau – with a little help from Iraq
Posted on August 26, 2019 | No CommentsThis post is an update of a graph done in 2015: Fig 1: Conventional oil production on bumpy plateau 2005-2014 In When adding the new data for 2015-2018 it […] -
World crude production outside US and Iraq is flat since 2005
Posted on June 10, 2019 | No CommentsIn the year 2005, the global crude production curve shows a definitive kink, going horizontal for several years. This caused the 2008 oil price shock and the following financial crisis […] -
What happened to crude oil production after the first peak in 2005?
Posted on September 18, 2018 | No CommentsThe IEA (in Paris) proudly announced in its latest September 2018 Monthly Oil Market Report that global supplies (of liquids) have reached 100 mb/d in August, an impressive figure. What […] -
Incremental crude production update August 2016
Posted on September 11, 2016 | No CommentsOPEC Fig 1: OPEC’s incremental crude oil production Incremental production for each country is the production above the minimum production for the period Jan 2000 – May 2016 (the latest […] -
US crude imports from Non-OPEC countries peaked 10 years before tight oil boom
Posted on December 2, 2014 | No CommentsIn part 3 of this series on the impact of US tight oil, we look at US crude oil imports from Non-OPEC countries. Excluding Canada – which is a special […] -
BP Statistical Review 2012 The incredible growth of oil(y) resources
Posted on August 12, 2012 | No CommentsSummary: Oil reserves as reported in the Statistical Review have experienced a phenomenal growth but are not all proven (1P) reserves as claimed. The reserve tables provided contain a mixture […]