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Shrinking crude oil exports A tough game for oil importers
Posted on February 4, 2013 | No CommentsUsing JODI data, crude oil exports have peaked in 2005/2006 and since then have shrunk by a total of 5% despite export growth in several countries including Iraq and Canada […] -
Minesweeping exercise near Saudi oil hub
Posted on September 24, 2012 | No CommentsMassive minesweeping exercise begins off Bahrain 21/9/2012 Reporting from the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea (CNN) — More than three dozen nations have converged on the seas around Bahrain […] -
ABC TV Interview with Richard Heinberg on peak oil and the end of growth
Posted on September 18, 2012 | No CommentsIn this post I add some graphs into the interview transcript. On youtube: Ticky Fullerton, ABC TV Lateline Business: “There have been few more passionate debates in resource […] -
BP Statistical Review 2012 The incredible growth of oil(y) resources
Posted on August 12, 2012 | No CommentsSummary: Oil reserves as reported in the Statistical Review have experienced a phenomenal growth but are not all proven (1P) reserves as claimed. The reserve tables provided contain a mixture […] -
BP Statistical Review 2012 Analysis Part 1 Discrepancies and Peak Exports
Posted on June 14, 2012 | No CommentsGraphs prepared using data from the BP Statistical Review 2012 (1) Discrepancies BP data show oil consumption being higher than oil production. The discrepancy has been growing from 1998 […] -
IMF team warns of global economy entering uncharted territory with US$ 180 a barrel in 2021
Posted on May 20, 2012 | No CommentsIn April 2011 the IMF predicted oil prices – at that time US$ 80 – would increase by 60% within a year, i.e. US$ 128. Actual oil prices in April […] -
Crude oil peak in Algeria
Posted on January 27, 2012 | No Comments(1) Actual production We have 3 components of oil supplies from different sources: crude oil only (statistics from IEA) condensate (statistics from EIA) natural gas liquids (statistics from EIA) Note […] -
Nigeria: oil producers try to reduce fuel subsidies
Posted on January 16, 2012 | No CommentsFuel subsidies in oil producing countries are a big problem not only because they are a burden for budgets but also because they result in an inefficient oil supply environment. […] -
System dynamics peak oil, financial and CO2 debt, ME geopolitics
Posted on November 9, 2011 | No Comments(A) Why is the timeline for an orderly transition just 10 years? Oil: We have missed implementation windows for peak oil mitigation long ago: In Australia: “Yes, Prime Minister”, peak […] -
Net crude oil exports – the shrinking commodity
Posted on October 6, 2011 | No CommentsTotal crude oil exports peaked at 44.4 mb/d in 2005 and declined by 3.1 mb/d to 41.3 mb/d in 2009, double the rate at which crude production declined during the […]