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Asia depends on Middle East for 66 % of its oil imports
Posted on July 1, 2015 | No CommentsThis post uses data from the inter area oil movement section of the BP Statistical Review published in June 2015. It is a continuation of an earlier post on Asian […] -
US enters undulating crude oil production plateau in 2015
Posted on March 18, 2015 | No CommentsThis is a post on the EIA Short Term Energy Outlook March 2015 (STEO) The following graph shows total US crude production according to EIA statistics until Feb 2015 and […] -
Free oil! Next stop free oil crunch
Posted on February 15, 2015 | No CommentsBuy 1 barrel of oil for $100, get one barrel free!That makes $50 a barrel. Looks like a sale. Hurry before it ends. Spare a thought for the poor oil […] -
Peak Affordable Oil
Posted on February 2, 2015 | No CommentsIt is quite obvious that high oil prices in the last 3-4 years Fig 1: WTI spot prices to 23/1/2015 have reduced demand for oil, as shown in this […] -
World on drip of unconventional oil
Posted on December 11, 2014 | No CommentsCurrently lower oil prices due to a combination of increasing oil supplies and subdued demand come at a high cost to the environment and the climate. Additional oil supplies are […] -
US shale oil growth covers up production drop in rest-of-world
Posted on September 15, 2014 | No CommentsWe use the period starting with January 2010 when crude production had come back to 2005 levels after the exceptional year of 2009 Fig 1: US crude oil vs crude […] -
10 years after peak oil in Vietnam: Asian Century sails into troubled waters in the South China Sea
Posted on May 12, 2014 | No CommentsOnly weeks after the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott introduced “Team Australia to help China build the Asian Century” to the Boao Forum on the island of Hainan in the […] -
OPEC fiscal breakeven oil price increases 7 % in 2013
Posted on August 14, 2013 | No CommentsUsing recent research from the Arab Petroleum Investment Corporation (APIC) it can be calculated that OPEC’s fiscal break-even oil prices have increased by around 7% pa in 2013 while OPEC’s […] -
The high cost of railroading unconventional crude
Posted on July 14, 2013 | No CommentsThe derailment and explosion of a shale oil train in Canada highlights desperate attempts by refineries along the US/Canada East coast to offset the conventional oil peak of Atlantic basin […] -
FSU crude oil exports declined by 5.5 % in last 2 years
Posted on June 9, 2013 | No CommentsFormer Soviet Union (FSU) crude oil exports declined from 6.76 mb/d in 2010 to 6.39 mb/d in 2012 (-370 kb/d), or 5.5%, mainly due to a 13% decrease in Black […]