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Russian oil production update Nov 2021
Posted on February 28, 2022 | No CommentsPic 1: Druzhba oil pipeline, refineries supplied .Fig 2: Crude production peaked before Covid at around 10.6 mb/d That this production level would be some kind of limit was […] -
Saudi Update October 2018
Posted on October 30, 2018 | No CommentsWe do not know where the Khashoggi case will go but what is happening in Saudi Arabia is important for the world. Jodi data up to Aug 2018, released 19/10/2018 […] -
Brent Exit
Posted on June 13, 2017 | No CommentsUK has actually more important problems to solve than the planned Brexit and this is the exit of their oil and gas industry over the years to come. This is […] -
Shrinking crude oil exports A tough game for oil importers
Posted on February 4, 2013 | No CommentsUsing JODI data, crude oil exports have peaked in 2005/2006 and since then have shrunk by a total of 5% despite export growth in several countries including Iraq and Canada […]