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Australia Transport Archive
Sydney planning chaos: New Planning Review makes no provision for light rail at Epping station (part 1)
Posted on July 20, 2017 | No CommentsA planning review for Sydney’s suburb of Epping which started in 2016 contains an interim traffic report with a focus on cars and parking. No land or road space is […] -
No glut in Australian petroleum inventories
Posted on January 12, 2016 | No CommentsThe Australian Capital’s daily newspaper Canberra Times started the New Year by reprinting an article of the Daily Telegraph referring to an abundance of oil – without checking whether this […] -
Explosions cut Sydney – Brisbane rail tracks days after wild storm
Posted on April 29, 2015 | No CommentsIn year 10 of peaking oil production and rising tensions in the Middle East, governments should be busy upgrading their rail lines. But look what’s happening here in Australia. Fig […] -
Sydney mismanages transition to driver-less single deck trains (part 2)
Posted on January 4, 2015 | No CommentsIn part 2 of this series we continue our excursion into Sydney’s rail world and look at whether this city spends its rail money wisely to prepare for an age […] -
Team Australia to pay billions for new oil-vulnerable infrastructure
Posted on October 29, 2014 | No CommentsOne would think that an increase of oil related taxes would be used to reduce oil dependency and fund public transport infrastructure, especially as the Iraq war has entered yet […] -
NSW government acknowledges peak oil but continues business as usual regardless
Posted on October 19, 2010 | No CommentsIn its recent submission to Infrastructure Australia, the NSW government acknowledges peak oil but proposes a list of projects which does not reflect its own analysis. We read: “2.8 Planning […] -
Sydney’s Metropolitan Transport Plan
Posted on May 26, 2010 | No CommentsMy submission to the Metropolitan Transport Plan proposal is here: 26/5/2010 Comments on Metropolitan Transport Plan Contents of this PDF file: Summary 1 Time table of events 2010 […] -
XPT Sydney – Coffs Harbour vs. Pacific Highway Upgrade
Posted on April 1, 2009 | No CommentsWhen going to Coffs Harbour for a peak oil presentation at the Council Chambers in March 2009 I took the XPT to test the rail service. Yes, what you see […]