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Another 3 year warning on Australia’s fuel imports vulnerability
Posted on May 9, 2023 | No CommentsThis article is an update to a previous post: 8/11/2022 Only 3-4 years to replace/save 45% of Australian diesel imports? It incorporates the recently released Defence Strategic Review. Fig […] -
Asia Peak Oil update Nov 2021
Posted on March 30, 2022 | No CommentsUsing latest monthly EIA and Jodi data. Fig 1: Asian crude production peaked 2010-2015 (where EIA data are not available, the annual BP Stat Review has been used) Asian oil […] -
Australia’s diesel imports on record high Update June 2021
Posted on September 8, 2021 | No CommentsAustralia’s monthly diesel imports reached a record of 2,360 ML (495 kb/d) in June 2021. While it is common for imports to vary from month to month there is a […] -
China increased oil imports in Covid stricken 2020 by a lucky 8.8%
Posted on August 29, 2021 | No CommentsChina is the only country which increased oil imports in 2020. This post is using data from the new BP Statistical Review released on 8 July 2021. Fig 1: Wuhan […] -
Australia’s BP Kwinana refinery closure: peak oil context
Posted on November 14, 2020 | No CommentsFig 1: BP is in peak oil mode BP shuts down Kwinana refinery with 600 jobs expected to go, Commonwealth says no impact on fuel security 30 Oct 2020 Fig […] -
Peak oil in Asia Update June 2020 (part 4)
Posted on September 10, 2020 | No CommentsIn the previous posts we have shown that the peak oil problem in Asia is mainly a problem of skyrocketing consumption at an additional 1 mb/d (2.8%) each year. Whereas […] -
Australia’s oil consumption highly vulnerable to events in the Middle East
Posted on January 12, 2020 | No CommentsThe world came very close to an escalating war in the Middle East. BBC asked: Iran missile attack: Did Tehran intentionally avoid US casualties? 8/1/2020 Fig 1: Damage to the […]