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Feature1 Archive
Iran Update
Posted on September 4, 2018 | No CommentsSeptember 2018 5/9/2018 4 scenarios by RBC Capital Markets (1) Waiting Game Oil price neutral. Iran honors its commitments under the nuclear deal attempting to wait out the Trump administration. […] -
NSW coal power maxed out in hot summer (part 2)
Posted on March 16, 2018 | No CommentsPart 2 Eraring, Mt Piper, Vales Pt Introduction: The NSW government is selling Snowy Hydro to the Federal Government, thereby demonstrating beyond doubt that it is abrogating its duty of […] -
Howard’s Energy Policy Failure 2004
Posted on October 31, 2017 | No CommentsThis article is about a paper I handed over to former Prime Minister Howard during a seminar at the Australian Institute of International Affairs on 31/10/2017 Australia in Today’s World […] -
Sydney would peak at 4.9 million with zero net overseas migration
Posted on February 27, 2017 | No CommentsImmigrants to blame for high house prices, businessman Dick Smith claims Mr Smith said “jumbo loads” of immigrants arriving each week were the “main driver” behind the country’s housing affordability […] -
Exxon plans to produce gas close to China’s 9 dash line claim
Posted on December 28, 2016 | No CommentsThis article is part 3 of a series on peak oil in the South China Sea. Bloomberg commented on 15/12/2016 that “Trump’s Top Diplomat Would Bring Complex History With China […] -
Sydney mismanages transition to driver-less single deck trains (part 2)
Posted on January 4, 2015 | No CommentsIn part 2 of this series we continue our excursion into Sydney’s rail world and look at whether this city spends its rail money wisely to prepare for an age […] -
Sydney plans to dismantle rail infrastructure built just 6 years ago (part 1)
Posted on December 30, 2014 | No CommentsContents: (1) Epping – Chatswood tunnel conversion works proposed (2) Removal of tracks at Epping and Chatswood (3) Operational flexibility reduced (4) Removal of signalling What can the world […] -
Sustainable Cities Master Plan
Posted on August 26, 2009 | No CommentsA sustainable city is foremost an energy thrifty city with a minimum of energy used for transport. A good example is the 1976 master plan for Dodoma in Tanzania, an […]