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BP Statistical Review Archive
Oil prices started to skyrocket when one quarter of global supplies went into irreversible decline
Posted on June 25, 2014 | No CommentsThis is the 1st post on the BP Statistical Review 2014 which has been published recently. There are many reasons why oil prices went up in the last 10 years […] -
BP Statistical Review 2012 The incredible growth of oil(y) resources
Posted on August 12, 2012 | No CommentsSummary: Oil reserves as reported in the Statistical Review have experienced a phenomenal growth but are not all proven (1P) reserves as claimed. The reserve tables provided contain a mixture […] -
BP Statistical Review 2012 Part 2 Australia proved oil reserves overreported by a factor of 2
Posted on July 25, 2012 | No CommentsThis is easy to check. From the Geoscience Australia website (GA – Oil and Gas Resources of Australia – OGRA) we add total reserves (proved and probable = 2P) for […] -
BP Statistical Review 2012 Analysis Part 1 Discrepancies and Peak Exports
Posted on June 14, 2012 | No CommentsGraphs prepared using data from the BP Statistical Review 2012 (1) Discrepancies BP data show oil consumption being higher than oil production. The discrepancy has been growing from 1998 […]