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Australian Fuel Security Review ignores peak oil in China 2015 (part 1)
Posted on April 29, 2019 | No CommentsJust a week before a Federal election was called the Australian Minister for Energy, Angus Taylor, released an interim report on fuel security on 4th April 2019 for public consultation (hereinafter […] -
Australian fuel imports from Asia are going sky high while non-compliance with IEA stock requirements continues (part 1)
Posted on February 21, 2018 | No CommentsFrom time to time the media takes some interest: Low emergency oil reserves ‘now pose a danger to security’ 16/2/2018 Australia’s failure to meet emergency oil reserves now posed a […] -
Negative net present value for Brisbane’s Northern Link Tunnel in next oil crunch
Posted on April 30, 2010 | No CommentsNorthern Link gets the go-ahead Brisbane City Council’s $1.7 billion Northern Link tunnel has received state government approval, paving the way for work to begin later this year….The Federal Government […]