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Clyde refinery Archive
Only 3-4 years to replace/save 45 % of Australian diesel imports?
Posted on November 8, 2022 | No CommentsAs the US Air Force prepares to deploy B 52 Bombers in Darwin Fig 1: The ranges of missiles are likely to increase The PLA has 2,500 short, intermediate […] -
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s exciting energy security in Australia
Posted on July 7, 2016 | No CommentsA miracle happened 1 minute to 12. Two journos asked energy security questions at last week’s National Press Club in which Australia’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was given a last […] -
Australia’s fuel import vulnerability increases as Sydney’s Clyde refinery is closing
Posted on April 13, 2011 | No CommentsPeak oil works according to plan, sweeping through the system bit by bit. Closing refineries are to be expected as global crude oil export volumes are declining. First victims are […]