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New South Wales Archive
NSW power supply on 16 March 2023 so tight that AEMO had to issue emergency response directions
Posted on March 21, 2023 | No CommentsThis is part 3 of the series “Can NSW replace Liddell?” The 16th of March 2023 was the 2nd hottest day in a late summer in NSW. Fig 1: Temperatures […] -
Australia East Coast Power Crisis (Part 2: NSW coal plants maxed out)
Posted on June 15, 2022 | No Comments15 June 2022 by Matt Mushalik (MEng) The Australian public is finally waking up. Not because of academic debate in the social media but by the threat of power cuts. […] -
Energy guzzling NSW had to import up to 1,700 MW on 7 Jan 2018
Posted on January 13, 2018 | No CommentsOn the first really hot day in 2018 Sydney experienced temperatures above 45 degrees. Fig 1: BOM Temperature map for NSW on 7 Jan 2018 These were the temperatures […]