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Northconnex Archive
Australian Fuel Security Review ignores peak oil in China 2015 (part 3)
Posted on May 2, 2019 | No CommentsAustralia increased its internal oil dependency & vulnerability Let’s summarize what we covered in part 1 and 2 Australian oil production peaked in the year 2000 while oil consumption is […] -
Australia more vulnerable than ever to fuel import disruptions
Posted on April 14, 2017 | No CommentsThis is because after the closure of 3 oil refineries in Sydney and Brisbane fuel imports have skyrocketed and these additional imports come from and pass through an area where […] -
NorthConnex road tunnel contract signed only days after US$ 150-200 oil price warnings in Davos
Posted on February 10, 2015 | No CommentsThis post is for the record, to be used later in this website’s I-told-you-so menu. $3 billion NorthConnex tunnel contract signed and ground broken Fig 1: From left: NSW Roads […] -
Team Australia to pay billions for new oil-vulnerable infrastructure
Posted on October 29, 2014 | No CommentsOne would think that an increase of oil related taxes would be used to reduce oil dependency and fund public transport infrastructure, especially as the Iraq war has entered yet […] -
Sydney’s risky NorthConnex tunnel will not solve congestion problem
Posted on October 10, 2014 | No CommentsFig 1: NorthConnex tunnel proposal The current congestion problem on Pennant Hills Rd is caused by 4 distinctive traffic flows overlapping in this narrow corridor: (a) trucks on the […] -
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott pedalling in wrong direction
Posted on August 26, 2014 | No CommentsFig 1: Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott (centre, yellow helmet) likes biking There are only a few Prime Ministers in this world who are pro-actively biking. Tony Abbott is one […] -
Australian governments want to pay $810m subsidy for unviable road tunnel in Sydney as next oil price spike looms (part 1)
Posted on March 27, 2014 | No CommentsThe Federal government refused to financially help car manufacturers and airlines, arguing that companies need to get their “house in order”. The Federal budget is deep in the red. Yet, […]