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AEMO Archive
NSW running low on contingency reserves during hot days
Posted on February 10, 2017 | No CommentsThis post is a record of Monday the 6th of February 2017 Fig 1: Weather report for Monday Sydney had spent a hot Sunday night… Fig 2: Lower temperatures on […] -
Australian budget 2016 underestimates role of oil (part 2)
Posted on June 7, 2016 | No CommentsIn part 1 we found that Treasury did not really explain why global growth is slower than expected given the oil price drop. We looked at some parameters like employment, […] -
Energy Super Power Australia’s East Coast running low on affordable domestic gas
Posted on July 9, 2014 | No CommentsIn July 2006 then Prime Minister Howard declared Australia an energy super power. 2 years earlier his energy white paper set the framework for unlimited gas exports while neglecting to […]