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Incremental crude oil graphs Archive
Incremental crude production update August 2016
Posted on September 11, 2016 | No CommentsOPEC Fig 1: OPEC’s incremental crude oil production Incremental production for each country is the production above the minimum production for the period Jan 2000 – May 2016 (the latest […] -
World on drip of unconventional oil
Posted on December 11, 2014 | No CommentsCurrently lower oil prices due to a combination of increasing oil supplies and subdued demand come at a high cost to the environment and the climate. Additional oil supplies are […] -
US shale oil growth covers up production drop in rest-of-world
Posted on September 15, 2014 | No CommentsWe use the period starting with January 2010 when crude production had come back to 2005 levels after the exceptional year of 2009 Fig 1: US crude oil vs crude […] -
World crude production 2013 without shale oil is back to 2005 levels
Posted on March 13, 2014 | No CommentsUnnoticed by the mainstream media, US shale oil covers up a recent decline of crude oil production of 1.5 mb/d in the rest of world (using data up to Oct […] -
Unsustainable Sydney: cost of using M2 toll-way grows 4 times faster than traffic
Posted on January 16, 2014 | No CommentsLatest figures for the 4th quarter of 2013 show that for a 7.5% increase of traffic over 3 years after an additional 3rd lane was opened, the cost to motorists […] -
75 pct of global crude production in 2012 was not higher than in 2005
Posted on January 2, 2013 | No CommentsThe following graph shows the changes in global crude oil production since January 2001. The data source is the EIA International Energy Statistics downloaded in December 2012 Countries have […] -
Incremental crude oil production August 2011
Posted on December 26, 2011 | No Comments(1) By continent (1.1) North America Growing Canadian production from tar sand syn crude could not offset Mexican decline. The US was able to increase production after the last hurricane […]