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Sydney go on your rooftops and save power for 3 million new immigrants
Posted on July 20, 2018 | No CommentsThe latest report “Integrated System Plan” of the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) assumes that power consumption on Australia’s East Coast will stay rather flat despite government engineered immigration resulting […] -
Sydney would peak at 4.9 million with zero net overseas migration
Posted on February 27, 2017 | No CommentsImmigrants to blame for high house prices, businessman Dick Smith claims Mr Smith said “jumbo loads” of immigrants arriving each week were the “main driver” behind the country’s housing affordability […] -
NorthConnex road tunnel contract signed only days after US$ 150-200 oil price warnings in Davos
Posted on February 10, 2015 | No CommentsThis post is for the record, to be used later in this website’s I-told-you-so menu. $3 billion NorthConnex tunnel contract signed and ground broken Fig 1: From left: NSW Roads […] -
Australian GDP per capita growth slowed while oil prices went up (part 2)
Posted on June 9, 2014 | No CommentsIn part 1 of the series on the Australian budget 2014/15 we showed that company tax receipts took a dive when the global financial crisis (GFC) hit. In this 2nd […] -
Unsustainable Sydney: cost of using M2 toll-way grows 4 times faster than traffic
Posted on January 16, 2014 | No CommentsLatest figures for the 4th quarter of 2013 show that for a 7.5% increase of traffic over 3 years after an additional 3rd lane was opened, the cost to motorists […]