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South Korea Archive
Australian Fuel Security Review ignores peak oil in China 2015 (part 2)
Posted on April 30, 2019 | No CommentsComing back to the 2019 Liquid Security Review Figures 9-11 in part 1 show how dependent Australia has become on fuel imports from South Korea and Japan, even China. […] -
South Korea’s crude oil imports from Iran
Posted on July 10, 2018 | No CommentsUS State Department Special Briefing by the Director of Policy Planning 2/7/2018 MR HOOK: “…..Our focus is on getting as many countries importing Iranian crude down to zero as soon […] -
Australian fuel imports from Asia are going sky high while non-compliance with IEA stock requirements continues (part 1)
Posted on February 21, 2018 | No CommentsFrom time to time the media takes some interest: Low emergency oil reserves ‘now pose a danger to security’ 16/2/2018 Australia’s failure to meet emergency oil reserves now posed a […] -
Almost half of Australia’s petrol, diesel and jet fuel imports come from South Korea and Japan
Posted on August 12, 2017 | No CommentsAs the world wonders what comes next in the North Korean missile crisis we need to have a look what a military confrontation would mean for Australia. This article from […] -
South Korea’s oil trade under threat
Posted on April 29, 2017 | No CommentsIn 2010 the China Sign Post blog published an article entitled “Playing with fire. Potential impact of a North Korean threat to South Korean oil refineries”, showing following map: Fig […] -
Australia beats them all – in oil imports
Posted on October 18, 2011 | No CommentsAmong OECD countries Australia is #1 in increasing its net oil imports over the last decade, for some a proud, for others a sad achievement. Federal Resource Minister Martin Ferguson […]