Demolition work on the M2, to make way for a 3rd car lane
While the Middle East is falling apart, with yet unknown consequences for oil supplies, only 3 tanker weeks away, while Australian refineries are closing, while the world is drowning in debt and while global warming raises its ugly head with super storms, Transurban has nothing else to do than to increase Sydney’s oil vulnerability, its motorway debt and CO2 emissions.
The ramp before the demolition. It was built just 15 years ago
Bus using the ramp before demolition
The bus lanes – previously on the median – have been removed
Let’s have a look at the traffic
Customer service: motorists enduring the widening works may pay higher tolls. The drop in traffic was expected by Transurban:
Annual ADT changes in % between March 2011 (=1) to March 2013 (=9)
Petrol prices went up in 2011 and 2012
Petrol prices are from the ACCC
Lucky country and lucky Transurban: the high Australian dollar reduced petrol prices which otherwise could have gone to the $2 mark. The crude awakening will come when the AUD drops back to its long term average.
Australian petrol tax is very low compared to European countries so there is little financial incentive to be fuel efficient. That, of course, will backfire one day.
Let’s document what has been ignored, a documentary from Al Jazeera, just days before the jackhammers started.
The Choke Points of Power
After centuries of naval domination the West faces geopolitical changes centred on shipping lanes vital to world trade.
Al Jazeera spent three years documenting the West’s declining control of the strategic waterways of the Middle East. They discovered a region in flux – with new players both locally and globally – who want in. The focus, as always, is oil.
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